Candlelight Concert FAQ

Where do I buy tickets?

All Candlelight Concert tickets can be purchased at Tickets are not available for purchase at the door.

What is the dress code?

There is no dress code. However we would recommend dressing business casual.

Any issues regarding tickets.

For any issues or questions with tickets, such as missing tickets, needing to cancel, etc., please reach out to the ticket sellers and concert organizers at You can also reach them at 646-849-6917.

What time does it start?

There are two concerts each evening. The first begins at 6:30pm and the second starts at 8:45pm. Doors open 45 minutes prior to each show.

Where should I park?

There is street parking on the south side of New York Street and on both sides of East Street. There is also limited parking avaialable in three lots directly south of the venue. Feel free to also take a look at the diagram below.